Zamami Village
About payment options
Payments can be made by the following credit cards listed below.
Reservations with credit cards issued outside of Japan can only be made 23 days prior to departure.
일본 이외의 국가에서 발행된 신용카드를 사용한 예약 신청은, 승선일 23일 전부터 접수받고 있습니다.
使用在日本以外的国家所发行的信用卡的预约申请, 将于乘船日的23天前开始受理。
使用國外發行的信用卡預約時, 從登船日的23天前開始受理。
Instructions at the time of this site use
The Zamami Village website encrypts its pages with https(SSL) to maintain secure communications.
As a result, you cannot move between pages with your browser's "forward" and "back" buttons.
Please use the on-screen buttons to move between pages.